Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Bigger Is Better

I took a few days to think about some of my ideas. I have done at least 50 thumbnails and now I go through my sketchbook and select ones I think are pretty good ideas. I print out an area that is proportional to the poster size and do larger sketches working within the format. These help me place elements and think of where type will go. The poster has a ton of type that needs to go on it so I have to leave room and think about what will go in the areas that are going to have type in them. The areas need to have very little detail. The larger sketches help a lot. These are not what I call "Presentation" sketches, these are just for me and let me decide what I will present to the client. The deadline is a ways away so I have the luxury of time on my side so far. This is my favorite part, I don't know yet which idea will end up as the final idea for the poster so it is really a mystery even to me at this point.